the 3 non-negotiable health habits, for busy men and women of cheltenham

Hello, Busy men and women of Cheltenham,

I wanted to quickly remind you that exercise, proper nutrition, and sleep are the three health non-negotiable habits that should be top of your daily routines, as this has a negative knock-on effect when left unchecked.

Everyone should be sure to take care of these because they are the cornerstones of good health, not only for you but your family as well.

For the maintenance of physical health and well-being, exercise is crucial.

It's a terrific way to relieve stress and keeps our bodies and minds healthy.

On the other side, nourishment is essential for preserving our energy levels, regenerating our cells, and maintaining a strong immune system.

A balanced diet consisting of whole foods is necessary for optimal health.

Finally, sleep is essential for recovering lost energy, healing damaged cells, and solidifying learned information.

Make sure you're getting enough sleep—the average person needs 8 hours per night. Sleep is the deepest condition of recuperation, after all.

Here are some additional pointers for your workout, diet, and sleep.


There are many other types of exercise, but Strength Training is without a doubt the one that is most beneficial for your health and appearance!

Start out with up to Two-Three full-body workouts each week if you're a beginner.

Consider performing a movement that mimics the squat, bench press, deadlift, back rows, and overhead press.

In every workout, aim to do at least 2-4 sets of each exercise, using a variety of rep ranges ranging from 5-25+ reps and from time to time going CLOSELY failure (failure is when you are unable to complete another rep), but not every week as this can be counter-productive.

Before your next workout, rest for 24 to 48 hours after your previous one.

2. Nutrition

Most people are perplexed about how to handle nutrition and veer off into various "diets" as a result.

The idea that nutrition is not about dieting should be adopted by you if you are also on that train.

It's about developing a good relationship with food and sustainable eating habits.

Habits you can maintain throughout the course of a lifetime!

Find high-quality sources of plant carbohydrates and animal proteins. My personal favorites are sweet potatoes for the carbs and grass-fed beef or seafood for the protein, with a portion of veggies and fruits on the side, which reminds me of growing up in the Caribbean.

Where possible Prepare those in advance for three to four days, if family and work usually take over your days and thinking, or opt for food shopping or prep on the weekend or online food deliveries to save you time in the week.

Ideally, Every meal should include some kind of veggies and some fruit.

Voila! Your body is now fully equipped to function normally and recover from the workouts.

3. Sleep

Again, sleep is essential, but because of our hectic lives nowadays, we get so little of it.

However, it truly doesn't have to be that way.

Set a regular time for going to bed. For the last 90 minutes (at least) before you go to sleep, stay away from computer and phone screens.

Avoid identifying with your ideas, especially intrusive or stressful ones.

when the sun rises!

These three areas of your health are therefore non-negotiable, and when they are optimized, they will help you achieve 95% of your goals for your wellbeing and health.

You won't ever require another "special supplement" if you focus on those and get them just right.

P.S. Do not hesitate to email if you need assistance planning your workouts, changing your diet, or getting more rest, so that you can look and feel great in and out of your clothes on a daily basis, improve your sex life, regain your confidence , while getting stronger and fitter, with the added benefits of dropping and few pounds and inches.

Speak soon,

Time to “BE MORE”



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